A mixed feeling, something in between physical fear and aristocratic despice is inevitable, when one lives in fragile Venice and a menacing brutal monster enters the Canal Grande, offering the narrow strees and the delicate mosaics that pave its churches and palaces to the newly enriched masses of global tourism.
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Il grosso granchio dei sondaggi
La vittoria di Trump nelle elezioni USA smentisce clamorosamente quasi tutte le previsioni: la lista dei peggiori flop
Difficile dire con anticipo se Donald Trump, il candidato del Partito Repubblicano che ha battuto contro ogni previsione – o quasi – la concorrenza dell’avversaria del Partito Democratico Hillary Clinton, saprà essere all’altezza del suo compito ma certamente oggi alla luce del suo successo elettorale i sondaggisti e i più importanti esperti politici del mondo che in […]

Trump-Clinton: after last debate odds crown Hillary next president
In the presidential race, for bookmakers and bettors, the Democratic Party candidate plentifully outstrip the Republican Party one
After the final debate of the 2016 USA presidential race that was in Las Vegas at the Thomas and Mack Center in the University of Nevada last 19 of October, the Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton seems to have taken a decisive step towards the conquest of this Presidential election and seems to shut the door on […]