A mixed feeling, something in between physical fear and aristocratic despice is inevitable, when one lives in fragile Venice and a menacing brutal monster enters the Canal Grande, offering the narrow strees and the delicate mosaics that pave its churches and palaces to the newly enriched masses of global tourism.
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Il grosso granchio dei sondaggi
La vittoria di Trump nelle elezioni USA smentisce clamorosamente quasi tutte le previsioni: la lista dei peggiori flop
Difficile dire con anticipo se Donald Trump, il candidato del Partito Repubblicano che ha battuto contro ogni previsione – o quasi – la concorrenza dell’avversaria del Partito Democratico Hillary Clinton, saprà essere all’altezza del suo compito ma certamente oggi alla luce del suo successo elettorale i sondaggisti e i più importanti esperti politici del mondo che in […]

Trump-Clinton: after last debate odds crown Hillary next president
In the presidential race, for bookmakers and bettors, the Democratic Party candidate plentifully outstrip the Republican Party one
After the final debate of the 2016 USA presidential race that was in Las Vegas at the Thomas and Mack Center in the University of Nevada last 19 of October, the Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton seems to have taken a decisive step towards the conquest of this Presidential election and seems to shut the door on […]

UK: The Decay of Democracy Brings Forth Monsters.
Cameron's referendum was a heavy blow to the British tradition of Parliament's leadership.
On 16th June this year, a week before the EU referendum, supporter of the ‘Remain’ campaign, was stabbed to death in her parliamentary constituency. On his first appearance before magistrates her alleged murderer was asked to confirm his name and replied simply: “Death to all traitors, freedom for Britain”. It seems that medical issues will […]

The clash that wasn’t
More than the polls that in recent months have explored the feelings of the American electorate, the odds of the bookmakers have become a great litmus test to assess the mood of the voters and their truest forecasts.
Bookmakers from around the world – which lay down how much is paid to the occurrence of an event, assessing the degree of probability – have been watching with great attention the first Clinton-Trump debate. But in the evening of Monday September 26th, when Donald Trump and the ex-First Lady were leaving the Great Hall […]

Is Germany part of the West?
For about 70 years, Germany has stressed its belonging to the West. But since 2014 this, in a long term perspective, has been put in doubt. Surprisingly, by the German weekly "Der Spiegel".
The only reason my German grandfather survived as a Russian prisoner of war was that he had a beautiful singing voice. He had been drafted into the Volkssturm militia in 1944, during the final phase of the war in which the Nazi party recruited most able-bodied males into the armed forces, regardless of their age. […]

Elezioni USA:
Trump versus Clinton, tra scommesse e tragedia
Nella corsa alla Casa Bianca dicono più i bookmakers che i sondaggi
Ad appena due mesi dall’Election Day del prossimo 8 novembre, nelle quote dei bookmakers nazionali ed internazionali, per la corsa alla presidenza degli Stati Uniti, Hillary Clinton domina sul rivale Donald Trump. I quotisti di tutto il mondo – che stabiliscono a quanto viene pagato il verificarsi di un evento, valutandone il grado di probabilità […]

Brexit one month later
Churchill had said: “If Britain must choose between Europe and the open sea, she must always choose the open sea”.
In a summer of discontent, the British have instead refused both, Europe and the open sea.
R. d’Aco – One month after the referendum, British political circles and public opinion seem to have finally overcome the shock of its unexpected results. They have now to face its political consequences. Do you think it is possible to make an objective assessment of the task ahead? G. Sacco – The emotion with which the result has been greeted, firstly in the United Kingdom, […]

Brexit: tanto rumore per nulla!
Tutto come prima. Anzi, peggio di prima.
Il referendum del 23 Giugno farà molto danno alla UE ed al sogno unitario. Ma non libererà l'Europa dal malevolo e controproducente coinvolgimento britannico.
Salvatore Santangelo – Con l’opinione mondiale che sembra ancora sotto shock per il risultato a sorpresa, è possibile, secondo lei, fare una valutazione obiettiva del referendum sull’uscita del Regno Unito dall’UE? Giuseppe Sacco – L’emozione con cui, in primo luogo in Inghilterra, è stato accolto il risultato è certamente un evento in sé; […]

Intervista a Giuseppe Sacco
Abbiamo voluto sentirlo per capire le sfide che la Ue e l’Italia dovranno affrontare dopo il voto del 23 giugno.
Con l’opinione mondiale che sembra ancora sotto shock per il risultato a sorpresa, è possibile, secondo lei, fare una valutazione obiettiva del referendum sull’uscita del Regno Unito dall’UE? L’emozione con cui, in primo luogo in Inghilterra, è stato accolto il risultato è certamente un evento in sé; e un evento che vale la […]

EU and the Monnet ‘Shock’.
What next?
It is interesting to speculate upon what Europe might have become now if the foundation stones of the EU had not been laid in 1951 in the European Coal and Steel Community This was a unique international venture, based upon the principle of the equality of the participant states before laws jointly made and […]