A mixed feeling, something in between physical fear and aristocratic despice is inevitable, when one lives in fragile Venice and a menacing brutal monster enters the Canal Grande, offering the narrow strees and the delicate mosaics that pave its churches and palaces to the newly enriched masses of global tourism.
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Good Morning Vietnam
1987, An American Comedy War Film. Set in Saigon during the Vietnam War, Adrian Cronauer, a DJ on Armed Forces Radio Service, proves hugely popular with the troops serving in South Vietnam, but infuriates his superiors. Directed by Barry Levinson, featuring, Robin Williams, Forest Whitaker, Bruno Kirby, J.T. Walsh.

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A Farewell to Italy:
Demography and Immigration
“Es wurden Arbeitskräfte gerufen, aber es kamen Menschen.”
Max Frisch
(‘A workforce was called in, but instead it was people who came.’)
There was, in the 1960s, much talk of ‘revolution’, in Italy no less than in France, Germany and the US. All in all, seen with the benefit of hindsight, most of it can be considered more a case of collective infantilism that an explosion of […]